LIttoral shelf maintenance

Littoral Shelf Maintenance in Venice, FL

Littoral shelves are man-made shallow shelves that are part of a stormwater retention pond systems. We provide littoral shelf maintenance in Venice, FL and the surrounding areas. These vegetated zones are intentionally planted with native aquatic plants. The littoral shelves are located by the outflow structure of storm water retention ponds. The goal of these planted areas is to remove excess nutrients from the water before leaving the site, either through percolation or the out- flow structure itself. Littoral shelves also provide a habitat for birds, fish, and other animals. Local government agencies monitor these areas and require them to be maintained in compliance with local land development requirements. West Coast Lake and Wetland knows precisely how to manage littoral shelf compliance.

If you have recieved notice form one of your local government agencies that your littoral shelf is not in compliance give us a call today so we can help get you on track.

For these areas we offer the following services:

  • Selective Herbicide Application for Invasive Weed Control
  • Manual Removal of Invasive or Exotic Weeds
  • Supplemental Plantings
  • Compliance Monitoring
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